2024 Paris Infraweek, nov. 4 - 8
The Paris Infraweek is the unique European Infrastructure Network bringing together the most influential global players of the infrastructure financing – LPs, GPs, lenders, arrangers, multilaterals infrastructure developers, lawyers, as well as government officials, etc.- during a whole week of 50+ dedicated roundtables and workshops featuring 250+ high-level speakers from all over the world.
Welcome & Registration
[Plenary Session 1] Empowering Infrastructure Investment to meet the Decarbonization Agenda

Madagascar : quels investissements dans les infrastructures ?

Maroc-France | Infrastructures : vers de nouveaux modèles de partenariats

[Plenary Session 2] Transitioning Infrastructure from Brown to Green: Addressing Mitigation and Adaptation
Infrastructure : Financer la décarbonation, quels modèles de financement ? Quelles solutions ? Quelle structuration ?

[Plenary Session 3] Infrastructure: How to Achieve the European Energy Autonomy?

[Discussion 2] Digital and Intelligent Infrastructure: the New Frontiers towards Sustainability
Infrastructure : Actualités et tendances dans le M&A en France et en Europe
[InfraNextGen] Awards ceremony for the Infrastructure Young Professionals
Buffet Lunch
Infrastructures digitales : quelle contribution à la décarbonation de l’économie ?

[Plenary Session 4] Decarbonizing Infrastructure in Emerging Markets
[Discussion 4] Infrastructure Global Decarbonization: Solutions and New instruments

[Plenary Session 5] Scaling-up Electricity Production & transmission

Integrating biodiversity into the financing and sustainable management of infrastructure: challenges and solutions

Integrating biodiversity into the financing and sustainable management of infrastructure: challenges and solutions