Bertrand DUMONT
Director General of the Treasury, French Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industry
Bertrand Dumont, a graduate of ENA, began his career in 2001 at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, at the Treasury, as deputy to the Secretary General of the Paris Club. In 2002, he was posted to « Agence France Trésor » (French Debt Management Office) where he held the position of Head of Treasury Management. In 2005, he was appointed advisor and substitute director for France at the International Monetary Fund in Washington. In 2007, he was appointed Counselor for International and European Affairs in the Office of the Minister of the Economy, Industry and Employment.
In 2010, he joined the Cabinet of the Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of Internal Market and Services in Brussels, as advisor responsible for financial services and then chief of staff., From 2015 to 2017, he held the position of Director of Prudential Management at HSBC France staff of the Minister of the the Economy and Finance. Since September 2018, Bertrand Dumont has been Deputy Director General of the Treasury.
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