Yannick AUTRET

Transport, Energy and Environment Expert, Research and innovation Service Ministry of Ecological Transition

A geographer-urbanist by training, Yannick Autret holds a master’s degree in planning, urbanism and spatial dynamics from the Sorbonne University, and works in the research and innovation department of the Ministry of Ecological Transition. He is a certified international expert in natural resource management, specialised in the environmental impacts of transport and energy, and manages the national research programme ITTECOP (Transport & Energy Infrastructure, Territories, Ecosystems and Landscapes – www.ittecop.fr). Yannick is the French representative to the OECD Joint Transport Research Centre and a member of the governance board of the European research network IENE (Infrastructure and Ecology Network Europe – http://www.iene.info/). He leaded the H2020 BISON project (Biodiversity and Infrastructure, synergies and opportunities for European Transport Networks – https:// bison-transport.eu/), which brought together 16 countries and set the first european strategic research and innovation agenda on this subject. He is a member of the sustainable infrastructure partnership – community of learners – UNEP.

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